By continuing to use this page you expressly agree to accept the Terms and Conditions of use. If you do not want to accept such Terms and Conditions you should leave this page without further action. By continuing to use this page you will become a User thereby accepting the Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to change the Terms and Conditions at any time. All modified Terms and Conditions shall become effective immediately. Users should check for changes before continuing to use this Page. By continuing to use this Page, including after the publication of any changes in the Terms and Conditions, it shall be considered that you have read and accepted said Terms and Conditions including any changes they may contain.
For greater clarity of the Terms and Conditions established here and their effects, the following definitions shall apply:
a) Travel Agency-. Shall mean Travel CRR, S.A. de C.V.
b) Affiliate-. Also referred to as Client, Member, or Holder. Shall mean the person who previously purchased a Services Package from Travel Agency and uses the page and/or (INSPIRA Elite Vacations) to log in with a user and password for checking their benefits, verify account status or make online reservations.
c) Page-. The webpage and/or (INSPIRA Elite Vacations) owned by Travel Agency and acts as:
– A source of information on INSPIRA Elite Vacations, its benefits, hotels, and photo gallery.
– Affiliate access to the dedicated section.
d) Supplier-. Shall mean the individual or company, other than the Travel Agency, that directly provides the final accommodation and/or touristic and/or complimentary travel and/or recreational services during a trip and/or food services during a hotel stay and/or any other service generally related to a touristic activity.
a) The user states: that (1) they accept that the services that are described, cited or referred to on the Page before logging into the Affiliates dedicated section, are solely and exclusively informative, and (2) they accept the present Terms and Conditions and understand that they can be modified without notice.
b) Travel Agency states: that (1) it is a duly organized company under the laws of Mexico as recorded in the Cancun Office of the Quintana Roo State Public Registry of Property and Commerce; (2) its business activities include the provision of travel services; (3) its domicile is at Av. Bonampak Mz 2, Lote 7, Local 5-A-1, Nivel 1, Torre A 1er Piso, SM 10, Cancún, Benito Juárez, Q. Roo. C.P. 77503; (4) for all effects of these Terms and Conditions it acts exclusively as a source of information about different aspects offered in the Page INSPIRA Elite Vacations, and it has the technical and administrative ability to perform this task, as well as sufficient material and human resources to provide the services mentioned in these Terms and Conditions; and (5) it is legally registered or in process thereof as a Touristic Services Provider.
The object of the section available before logging in with user and password, is the provision of information by Travel Agency through the Page so that User may (1) know different aspects of INSPIRA Elite Vacations, such as its benefits, hotels and photo gallery (2) contact Travel Agency or request that it contacts User to obtain more information.
Travel Agency grants User a limited license that is not transferable and can be revoked at any time, to use this Page in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and its variations. User may only use this Page for such purpose and may not use it for any other purpose including but not limited to making a speculative, false or fraudulent contact request. This Page and its content including but not limited to texts, paragraphs, announcements, specific word combinations, letters or phonetic elements, illustrations, button icons, brands, logos, graphic designs, photos, commercial notices, patents, business methods, specific combinations of colors and shapes, editorial material, printed forms, search forms, downloads, data compilations, fonts, software, are all the exclusive property of Travel Agency or for which Travel Agency holds Licenses and Authorizations to use. Therefore, User may not copy, reproduce, republish, load, modify, transmit or distribute said content without prior written authorization from Travel Agency, except for the following reasons: if User (a) downloads and prints material found on the Page for their personal use; or (b) downloads and prints material sent to them by e-mail from Travel Agency or from INSPIRA Elite Vacations. In both cases, a User may employ such material only for their personal use and shall always include the caption "© TRAVEL CRR, S.A. de C.V. All rights reserved." Any full or partial reproduction of the Page or use of its content for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. A User may not employ any robots, spiders, programs, algorithms or similar methods of automated or manual information gathering to monitor or copy any of the Web pages and their information or content, source code found on this page for any reason. User expressly accepts these Terms and Conditions and will not transfer the information or content of the Page in any way to a computer, server, webpage or other massive distribution media nor use such information or content commercially within Mexico or abroad. User shall not employ any device, software or routine whatsoever that may interfere with the proper performance of this Page. The unauthorized use of this Page by User or any reproduction thereof including its content and material violates intellectual property laws, industrial property laws, and others. User must obey all notices concerning the author's rights and industrial property rights and may not modify, cover or destroy them. The use of such copyrighted material on any other website or on in any other network data environment is prohibited. User may not display or transfer any legally prohibited material including threats, insults, defamatory, discriminatory, pornographic, obscene, profane, or other material that may constitute or incite others to criminal or dishonest behavior or which may constitute grounds for lawsuits, pecuniary claims, or can be considered illegal. Furthermore, User shall not display or transmit any information which: (a) violates the privacy or image and/or advertising rights of others; (b) represents information that is protected by authors rights, registered brand names or other property rights; (c) contains a virus, bug or any other dangerous item or (d) can be used to conspire illegally against other persons and impede their ability to commercialize or compete. User shall be liable alone for any damage caused by any violation of author’s rights, industrial property rights or any kind of property rights or for any other damage arising from the abuse of this Page.
Legal Age and Liability
The Individual User states that they are of legal age to use this Page in their country and accept its Terms and Conditions and the legal responsibility arising from its use. Said User is aware that they will be financially liable for any use of this page carried out with their access information. The Commercial User states that they are legally able to engage and be bound under the present Terms and Conditions and able to accept liability for the legal obligations arising from the use of this Page. The Commercial User is aware that they will be financially liable for any use of this page carried out with their access code.
INSPIRA Affiliates section Policies
In case the User has a user and password for logging into the Affiliates dedicated section, they accept that the Terms and Conditions to which they will be subject are available in said section.
For further information you should call: from Mexico: 800 272 0270; toll-free from the US or Canada: 1(800) 273 0983; rest of the world: +52 (998) 272 8007.
Industrial Property and Authors Rights
The user accepts that the name " INSPIRA Elite Vacations" is a registered trademark or in process of being registered for the exclusive use of the Travel Agency. All other brands, logos, business names, patents, utility models and business systems and such that appear or operate on this Page are registered or in the process of being registered as Industrial Property rights, and Travel Agency has the authorization and/or license to use them. Therefore, User may not copy, reproduce, republish, download, publish, modify transmit or distribute such rights nor the content of this Page except in the following cases: (a) to read or print, or (b) to print material sent electronically by Travel Agency or from INSPIRA Elite Vacations, in which case User may utilize such material only and exclusively for personal ends and must always include the caption "© TRAVEL CRR, S.A. de C.V. All rights reserved". No part of the content of this Page including that protected under domestic laws and international treaties may be interpreted as a license or authorization to use any of the Brand Names or other Industrial Property, and their use is also prohibited in any other application not authorized by Travel Agency. User shall not modify the Industrial Property contained in the Page nor allow such action that may undermine, damage or reduce Travel Agency's Industrial Property rights. User shall not use the commercial brands or names contained in the Page or those belonging to Travel Agency or the domain names appearing here, nor shall they use such as part of a domain name or for Internet advertising. Travel Agency reserves the right to oversee the use of its Industrial Property and will notify User immediately in writing when it detects any violation of its Intellectual Property rights. However, the absence of said notice does not imply in any way, the Travel Agency’s consent to or waiver of any rights related to Intellectual Property and/or Author’s rights. The improper use of the Travel Agency's Intellectual Property is a violation of Mexican Law and International Treaties and is subject to civil, criminal and business penalties and laws. If User makes improper use of the content and Industrial Property of this Page, Travel Agency may initiate legal proceedings against them, and claim the payment of any damages, harms, or costs arising therefrom.
User specifically accepts that all texts, paragraphs, announcements, specific word combinations, letters with phonetic elements, illustrations, button icons, graphic designs, photos, specific combinations of colors and shapes, editorial materials, printed forms, search forms, downloads, stored records, codes, fonts, software, programs, databases, and advertising among others, that appear or operate on this Page are considered Authors Rights that are registered or in the process of being registered and are therefore the exclusive property of Travel Agency or of Supplier providing a service, with economic copyrights or those whose use is under license or authorized for the Page, therefore, User may not copy, reproduce, republish, load, transmit, modify or distribute such material nor the content of this Page, except in the following cases: (a) when the material contained in the Page is downloaded to print and read, or (b) downloads of material sent by e-mail from Travel Agency or INSPIRA Elite Vacations, in which case such material is for User's personal use only and must include the caption "© TRAVEL CRR, S.A. de C.V. All rights reserved." No part of this Page including protected material under Federal Authors Rights laws and International Treaties may be considered licensed for use in any way. User may not modify Travel Agency's Author's Rights in any way nor will they allow any actions that may undermine, harm or reduce such rights. User shall not display any protected material property of Travel Agency in its own Internet advertising. Travel Agency will notify User immediately if it detects a violation of its Author's Rights. However, the absence of said notice does not imply in any way, the Travel Agency’s consent or waiver to any rights related to Intellectual Property and/or Author’s rights. All inappropriate use of the material and the Intellectual Property Rights contained in this Page is a violation of the Federal Laws of Copyright and Industrial Property, Mexican and Foreign, and International Treaties and is subject to penalties under civil, criminal and business legislation. If User makes improper use of the content and Industrial Property of this Page Travel Agency may initiate legal proceedings against them, and claim the payment of any damages, harms, or costs arising therefrom.
The user has read the entire Privacy Notice and the terms posted on this Page. User consents to have their personal information used by Travel Agency and/or its Suppliers in accordance with the terms of the Privacy Notice.
Communication Monitoring
Travel Agency may monitor and read all information transferred or received through this Page and reserves the right to edit, or eliminate, or prohibit the transfer or reception of any information which it considers not applicable to the purposes of the Page of the same is not the appropriate means of communication to share said information, of that the information is in violation of these terms and conditions. Said monitoring includes the reading, recording or copying of User communication and User accepts such reading and monitoring, and agrees any ideas, comments, questions or postings on this Page, may be used by Travel Agency on a nonexclusive basis perpetually and irrevocably without paying royalties, and that Travel Agency may fully license the use of such communications, their reproduction, modification, adaptation, publication, translation, as a source of additional text, derivatives, as well as distribute and show such content in any way using any media or technology. Travel Agency cannot be held liable nor can it be held responsible for any content contributed by a User.
User shall answer for all damages they cause to Travel Agency arising from the misuse or incorrect use of the Page, or due to any fraudulent activity that is contrary to the services provided on the Page or is considered illegal.
Travel Agency may not be held liable nor does it assume any responsibility for any damage or virus that might infect the computer or other property of a User as a result of User's access to the Page, or caused by the download of any material, data, text, image, video or audio from the Page. Under no circumstances can Travel Agency be held responsible for any injury, damage, harm, loss, claim or specific, punitive, indirect or incidental damages due to negligence or criminal act arising from (i) the use of this Page or its content; (ii) any failure or delay (including, but not limited to, the use or unavailability to use any component of this Page), or (iii) a Supplier's service or failure to provide such, including among others, failure to provide a service due to bankruptcy, restructuring, receivership, dissolution or liquidation.
True Information
User recognizes and accepts their complete obligation and responsibility to provide accuracy and truth about the names, e-mails, and phone numbers requested in the contact form, in case they wish to be contacted, as well as the information of anyone commissioning them to use this Page, releasing Travel Agency from any liability arising from incorrect information or from any error in the information that was provided by User.
Additional Agreements with Suppliers
Travel Agency is hereby released of all liability arising from additional agreements between User and the direct Supplier of a service such as air and ground transporters, maritime transporters, cruise ships, hotels, and car rentals, among others.
Services by or for Third Parties
In the event that User purchases a service, as a consequence of the information accessed in this Page, through another travel agency or through any third party whatsoever, acting as intermediary, Travel Agency shall be released from all liability or obligation arising from the intermediary's failure to provide such service or product, the same release of liability and obligations shall also be applicable to all information incorrectly provided by the intermediary or third-party travel agency when reserving the services or arising from any negligence in failing to provide information to User about purchasing, payment and cancellation conditions.
Waiver of Liability
Travel Agency operates solely and exclusively as a source of information in the section prior to logging into the Affiliates dedicated section, and not as a direct supplier of touristic services, therefore it is not responsible for any part of the relation between User, and the End Service Supplier. As such Travel Agency cannot be held liable for any fault or omission by a Supplier including among others, any failure by the airlines, hotels, temporary accommodation suppliers, car rental agencies, transportation suppliers, and in general for any act or omission arising from the services provided by one or several Suppliers and not directly by Travel Agency. As a source of information Travel Agency does not offer any guarantee for services directly provided by a Supplier, nor does it guarantee the financial solvency of a Supplier or any refund which a User might claim due to a loss arising from a Supplier's insolvency. In the event that a Supplier fails to provide a service previously paid by User, the corresponding refund can be claimed only from the Supplier who failed to provide that service. This also applies to insurance coverage or claims against any third party. Travel Agency assumes no liability towards User and User releases Travel Agency from any liability arising from acts or omissions or any type of complaint or dissatisfaction caused by the services provided by a Supplier and advertised on the Page since Travel Agency has no legal relation to a Supplier's employees, equipment, operation or property. Any service-related claim must be taken up directly by User with Supplier only.
Furthermore, the Page may contain material provided by third parties and there may be several rating systems used to qualify hotel facilities and travel arrangements, Travel Agency is not liable and User hereby waives all claims against Travel Agency with respect to the following:
(a). The authenticity of photographs shown on its Page since they are strictly illustrative and do not guarantee that a User will find the exact same setting;
(b). The star ratings assigned to hotels and services are based on the Travel Agency's and the Supplier's interpretation and may differ from such ratings reported by other sources;
(c). Travel service descriptions are updated by Travel Agency to the best of its ability but are not guaranteed to be exactly the same on arrival.
Furthermore, Travel Agency may not be held liable and User released Travel Agency from all liability with respect to:
(d). The travel documents which User is responsible for obtaining such as passport, visa, certificates, travel authorizations for minors, etc.
(e). Failure by a User to follow travel instructions including among others, departure times, hotel check-in and out times, coupon exchange policies, etc.
(f). A Supplier's inability to provide a Service;
(g). Travel Agency assumes no liability with respect to Supplier's terms and conditions and/or policies, and is not liable for any claim, cost, expense or loss suffered by a User, including personal or third-party injury, accident or death, damage to personal property, loss of enjoyment, anger, disappointment, anguish and frustration, either mental or physical when they are caused by:
I-. Fault or negligence of a Supplier;
II-. Fault or negligence of a User when utilizing the purchased service;
III-. Failure by a User to obey the terms and conditions, policies, instructions, recommendations, safety measures, etc. provided by the End Supplier;
IV-. Cases of force majeure or unforeseen circumstances such as labor strikes, delays, earthquakes, war, hurricane, snowfall, etc.
V-. The actions or omissions of any other person who is not with Travel Agency;
VI-. Sickness, theft, labor disputes, mechanical failures, quarantine, government actions, weather or any other cause out of Travel Agency’s control.
VII-. In the event that a User insists on using or participating in any type of travel, touristic activity, tour, excursion, aerial, ground or ocean transport while in a weak or unhealthy state that makes participating in such activity hazardous; or if User insists on practicing any extreme sport or dangerous activity, or if they suffer from any disease, medical condition, incapacity, allergy, are taking medication or are under orders to rest and/or suffer from a medical conditions that is not reported are at the User's own risk. User hereby releases Travel Agency of any liability with regard to claims, lawsuits, complaints, compensation, indemnity courtesy replacements, etc. arising from an incident occurring during User's participation in any future event arising from the initial incident for any of these causes.
VIII-. Any other event not directly under the Travel Agency's control. The user is responsible for verifying that a Supplier is able to provide the special services they require such as access, facilities, and services for the handicapped. The user shall be responsible for reading and obeying the terms and conditions and/or policies of the Supplier, which are independent of the terms and conditions of this Page.
Travel Agency may terminate these Terms and Conditions and/or any of its services at any time without prior notice for any cause or reason, including the inappropriate use of this Page or failure to meet these Terms and Conditions. Nonetheless, such termination shall not affect any of the rights or obligations acquired by the Travel Agency towards User.
User may not assign, subcontract or transfer their rights and obligations under this agreement.
The Terms and Conditions shall remain indivisible. In the event of any termination or if a condition is considered prohibited or unenforceable, that provision shall be removed, and the remaining provisions shall remain valid and binding.
The headings used in these Terms and Conditions are for convenience only and do not limit or affect the content of these Terms and Conditions.
Jurisdiction and Applicable Laws
The user states that they are aware of the legal force of this contract and they freely agree with its Terms and Conditions. In the event of a controversy over the enforcement or interpretation of this agreement, They agreed to accept the conciliatory Jurisdiction of Mexico’s Federal Consumer Protection Office in Civil Law and to have their complaint heard anywhere in Mexico from where it may also be dealt with by Travel Agency. In the event that the controversy cannot be resolved, the parties agree to accept the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the city of Cancun, Quintana Roo, thereby renouncing any other jurisdiction to which they may be entitled by reason of their present or future domicile, location of the property or nationality. As permitted by law, no complaints or claims related to the access or use of this Page can be presented more than one year after the date of such use or access.
DISCLAIMER: The English version of these Terms & Conditions is a translation of the original in Spanish. In case of a discrepancy, the Spanish original will prevail.